A Special Message from PAFIA's Lobbyist Regarding PA Film Tax Credit

Monday, July 11, 2022 8:49 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Friends in Film,

We have wonderful news to share from Harrisburg – the film production tax credit is being increased by $30 million and will now have a cap of $100 million!

After months of negotiations, the PA Legislature is currently in the process of voting the general fund budget bill and accompanying code bills. Yesterday, both the House (184-16) and Senate (38-12) passed the omnibus tax code bill. This is the piece of legislation that outlines the changes to the film production tax credit program.

In addition to the 43% increase to the program, there was language added to the program that now reserves $5 million (of the $100 million total) for PA Film Producers. If the entire $5 million is not awarded in a fiscal year, the amount not awarded shall be made available for use by taxpayers that are no PA film producers.

The bill also made technical cleanup changes to multi-film provisions added as part of Act 25 of 2021 last year.

These changes to the film production tax credit can be found in HB 1342, starting on page 20, line 24.

Your passionate support of the film industry is what helped get the film tax credit increased. We cannot thank you enough for your time and effort and for talking with legislators over and over and over again about why this program is so important. We are thrilled to share this exciting news with all of you but realize we could not have achieved this success without your help, so please give yourselves a round of applause.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Beth & Jim

Pennsylvania Film Industry Association (PAFIA)
461 Cochran Road, Box 246
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
(717) 833-4561  info@pafia.org

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