Message from PAFIA's Lobbyist

Monday, August 07, 2017 11:17 AM | Anonymous

At the end of June, there remained significant uncertainty as to the direction and timing of the state budget. Now, as July comes to an end, a different but similar form of uncertainty exists. While the $32 billion spending bill is now law, the mechanism necessary to generate the revenue remains unresolved.

Last week the Senate passed a revenue bill that would generate $530 million from new taxes, including $200 million from expanded gaming, as well as natural gas severance tax. Additionally, the Senate approved $1.3 billion in borrowing against future tobacco settlement payments.

Unfortunately the House was not part of negotiations that yielded this Senate product, thus significant uncertainty exists as the state awaits a "final" budget. And, without an agreement on a final revenue mechanism, various state government operations have limitations - including tax credits. Thus, the film tax credit, along with award letters for projects, are in a holding pattern.

PAFIA remains very active, both from a membership perspective as well as lobbying activity, sharing with the Department of Economic Development the negative effects that will be forthcoming if delays continue. PAFIA thanks you for any advocacy you have provided to your State Senator or Representative.

Pennsylvania Film Industry Association (PAFIA)
461 Cochran Road, Box 246
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
(717) 833-4561

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